Wednesday 8 February 2012

Visual Representation of Data

Computers are useful for showing information in ways that can't be done on paper. Scientists use computers to make virtual models of products before they are made, engineers use software to map out roads and buildings before they are built, in business this genre of software is used for making business presentations to show a new idea . Reading documents and books on the computer saves paper which is good for the environment and saves space since you can now store thousands of books on a storage device that is smaller than your finger. In business, presentations are made easier with presentation sosftware such as powerpoint or more sophisticated software such as Prezi, which helps to display information in an interesting way which grabs the public's attention.  

In my opinion computers are very useful for showing information in different ways. I use Powerpoint whenever I have to present something to my class, I can easily make graphs and diagrams using Excel and make  animations with Adobe software when I need to. Computers allow us to display information in new ways which can only be displayed in a monitor.

1 comment:

  1. -second sentence has 3 complete sentences attached together (run-on sentence)
    -watch overuse of "which"
    -good topic idea and use of examples
